What Makes Photographers Believe That Portrait Photography Is an Art in Portland?

KRP Photography
3 min readMar 14, 2022


Portrait Photography

Snippet — Whether portrait photography is an art or not? Although this question has been around in the photography fraternity since the advent of portrait photography, it still remains unanswered with many mixed views. So, let’s try to understand what makes the photographers believe that portrait photography is truly art?

Is it the art of capturing the light and mood, or is it working in harmony with the models? What are the exact factors that consider portrait photography an art form and make Portland’s portrait photographer fraternity believe so?

What is an Art, though?

Before we try to answer this question, it is important to understand what exactly art is?

The definition of art is subjective; it has a different meaning for different people. However, the meaning of art can be understood by its dictionary meaning. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, art is “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination.” Therefore, something that is created with an artistic effort is art.

Is Dramatic Portrait Photography an art form?

Dramatic Portrait Photography

Capturing good dramatic portraiture is nothing less than an art. Just the way a painter uses paint, brush, and a canvas to create magic, the photographer uses a camera, light, and expertise as his tools to create a magical portrait.

Light, composition, and moment constitute together to create art with portraits. So, what makes Portland’s photographers believe that dramatic photography is an art form.

Use of surrounding objects

objects phography

Like any other art form, an artist indulges his skill with the object around him. For example, a carpenter carves wood to create beautiful pieces of furniture. Similarly, a good portrait photographer leverages natural light and neon lights to make portraits look more dramatic.

Delivers impact

Any good movie impact forces you to think about why things are the way they are. In simpler words, the art of storytelling hits you hard. This, too, happens after looking over a great dramatic portrait. A dramatic portrait tells you a lot about the subject without a word.

Just like art, portrait photography is subjective

Art has a different meaning for different minds. Also, different minds can interpret dramatic portraits differently. For some, a good portrait must be dark; it should be vibrant for someone else. Well, it is subjective, just like any other art form.

Above mentioned points state that portrait photography is a genuine art form, and like any other art form, it requires skill and expertise. Portrait photographers are the type of artists whose art speaks in a visual image depicting emotions, light, and, top of all, a story to be heard.

If you are ready to witness some great dramatic portrait photography in Portland, visit krpphotography.com and see yourself, whether it is an art form or not?



KRP Photography

KRP Photography is a Portland-based photography studio that specializes in headshots, shoots for magazine shoots branding campaigns. krpphotography.com